
Indesign Work Sample

I use adobe Indesign and Photoshop sometimes Illustrator as well to do create a magazine, newspaper or brochure layout. There are some of my previous work.

Burger Lovers Magazine

Food Magazine Special Issue For OREO

Brochures to Create Public Awareness for not keep away your cellphone and come back to real life


Red Masquers- 3Penny Opera

A milestone of 20th century musical theater, The Threepenny Opera, which transformed saccharine, old-fashioned opera and operetta forms, incorporating a sharp political perspective and the sound of 1920s Berlin dance bands and cabaret. This year, Pittsburgh’s oldest amateur theater- Red Masquers celebrates its 101 season with this 3 Penny- One of the longest running musical in history.


“The show’s acting was flawless and wonderful. The actors chosen to be cast in this production were chosen carefully for each role. The cast worked well together, with much chemistry, and every person had strong stage presence.”  

– Duquesne Duke

Watch More:

Who is RedMasquers 

Backstage Interview 


The Man in The Bookstore

Sometimes I wish I was able to capture some cherish moment with my eyes. Because it passed away too fast to be remembered.

Today is October 17th,  a rainy day. After school, I went to the Barnes and Noble to buy some pencils. Because of the rain, I decided to stay there for a while to see if it was going to stop.  I wandered the book aisles , turned over the books randomly.  I always purchasing books according to the the recommendations from New York Times, or other book awarded. Today, I found one book, named Brooklyn, a novel about a young Irish lady crossed the ocean to make a new life for herself in Brooklyn. On the back page of this book, one review from Pittsburgh Post-Gazette made up my mind to buy it.

” One of the most unforgettable characters in contemporary literature.”

When I was thinking about maybe I should also bring a magazine back home.  An old gentleman standing behind me said, ” You’ll definitely like it ” Then he stopped and said,” I mean I hope you would  like it. It is a really good story.” The man who was talking to me ,wearing a shirt, (I forgot the color, I wish I could remember every detail but just can’t )  He had an average body shape, a common looking but very special eyes. A very bright ones, through which you could see the light of sincere and kind.  ” Why do you like this book?”  I just curious and asked. He looked delighted after I said that, which I could tell from his eyes. ” I lived in Dublin when I was young. When I was at your age. He gave a look at me then added. “The author, how he described the Irish people was true and just was I saw when I was there… ” He told me he has read all the books of this author and also talked about his early life in Ireland. Then he left.

It was that kind of pleasing conversation, which happened at bookstores sometimes.

It was still raining when I left.  At the crossed street of Fifth , I saw the bookstore men again. After a short conversation I knew we were handing to the same direction. He just lived at the hotel in front of my apartment. On the way back he  asked me some questions about my school, and my major. It was a very short distances.  After he arrived, I said goodbye and wished him a nice stay in Pittsburgh.

“Thank you , young lady, Thank you for being so pleasant to me. It means a lot. I mean it.  You will understand it someday. When you were going to my age.” I watched his eyes while he was talking. I was moved by his gratitude, which was unexpected.